Free & Public DNS Servers
2013-07-10Top Free Internet DNS Servers. 阅读全文...
2013-07-09Iperf 是一个网络性能测试工具。Iperf可以测试最大TCP和UDP带宽性能。Iperf具有多种参数和UDP特性,可以根据需要调整。Iperf可以报告带宽,延迟抖动和数据包丢失。Iperf was developed as a modern alternative for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. 阅读全文...
ids tools list
2013-06-15NIDS(snort)、HIDS(snare),统计分组异常检测引擎(Spade),漏洞扫描工具(Nessus),网络流量监测工具(Ntop),主动探测工具(Arpwatch、P0f、Pads),网络扫描器(Nmap),开源漏洞库(OSVDB)。 阅读全文...
gentoo install snare (HIDS)
2013-06-15SNARE stands for System iNtrusion Analysis & Reporting Environment 阅读全文...
redirect 重定向
2013-06-14Learn how to create a URL redirection with this HTML redirect code. 阅读全文...
SmartSniff capture TCP/IP packets tool
2013-06-14SmartSniff allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your
network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations
between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in
Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or
as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS) 阅读全文...
Static Routing静态路由(Windows/Linux/Solaris)
2013-06-14现场网络环境的不同,需要在系统里增加路由时,为了防止机器重启或者网卡重启后路由失效,还需要根据系统使用不同的参数或配置文件: 阅读全文...
智能DNS所需的网通(CNC) 和电信(TELECOM)运营商列表
2013-05-30APNIC是管理亚太地区IP地址分配的机构,它有着丰富准确的IP地址分配库,同时这些信息也是对外公开的!通过ripe-whois3可以轻松获取电信运营商的IP地址分配情况: 阅读全文...
2013-05-30迭代查询(Iterative query)是指一个NS在自己不能提供授权解释的前提下,直接告诉resolver你该去哪个NS查。(迭代法也称辗转法,反复查询) 阅读全文...
迭代法(Iterative Method)
2013-05-30“迭代法”也称“辗转法”是一种不断用变量的旧值递推新值的过程。迭代法又分为精确迭代和近似迭代。 阅读全文...
2013-05-30通过下列指令来测试是否无法查询到BIND版本号,不过隐藏 BIND版本不代表就绝对安全,只是让攻击者无法马上得知您的DNS版本(知道版本号方便找该版本漏洞)。 阅读全文...
2013-05-28DOS是拒绝服务(英文Denial of Service)的缩写。DDoS是在传统的DoS攻击基础之上产生的一种新的攻击方式,即Distributed Denial Of Service,分布式拒绝服务攻击。dos通常采用的攻击方式是让server超载或者让系统死机。 阅读全文...
2013-05-28DNS域传送漏洞会泄露你所有的域名,想象一下你配置的IP和域名都一一呈现在别人眼里。 阅读全文...
How to protect against any query attack?
2013-05-28An attack on udp port 53 is spreading around these days ( any query attack). 阅读全文...
2013-05-28The BIND package provides a DNS server and client utilities. If you are only interested in the utilities, refer to the BIND Utilities-9.9.2-P2. 阅读全文...